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Saving rates are across the board at an all time low, the difference between rates laying between .01 or .1 percent interest. Finding banks with the best rates is often futile, but differentiating banks through free services and various fees allows customers to find the bank that provides the best customer service and a variety of programs to aid them.

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Q: What banks have the highest rates for savings accounts?
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What are some of the best banks with the highest interest rates for savings accounts?

Some of the best banks with the highest interest rates for saving accounts are the Bank of England, the Bank of Switzerland, and various banks in the Cayman Islands.

What types of savings accounts tend to have the highest interest rates?

Savings accounts with credit unions tend to have much better rates than those with banks. Small local banks will have better rates than large national ones due to smaller overhead.

What are some of the 50 highest money market rates and high interest savings accounts?

Some of the fifty highest money market rates and high interest savings accounts can be found at many banks. For instance, PNC offers high interest saving accounts.

Where can one find the highest savings interest rates?

One can find the highest savings interest rates by going to the Savings Accounts website. The website has a list of the top 10 Savings Accounts that have high interest rates.

How can you attain the best interest rates on savings?

There are many options for savings accounts which provide different interest rates. For traditional savings accounts, online banks typically yield the best rates.

Which banks offer the highest savings rates in the country?

The savings rates offered by the banks vary from country to country. In US, Ally Bank is the most famous bank that offers the highest savings rate. The American Express is the second best bank in terms of offering highest savings rates.

What is the interest on savings accounts?

Savings accounts with traditional banks typically do not have high interest rates. Banks such as Ally or ING Direct offer slightly higher interest rates that are approximately .75 to 1 percent.

What is the best type of saving accounts to get?

The best savings accounts are the ones with the highest interest rates. Try an online bank like ING, they have low overhead and thus have much higher interest rates for accounts than traditional banks.

What bank gives the highest savings rate?

wamu is the best right now with a 3.30 With a lot of banks, the rate can differ based on the type of savings account and the minimum balance required.

How would I find the banks with the best saving account rates?

Go to and search for savings and money market accounts. You can organize the list by the highest yields.

What banks offer High Interest Rate Savings Accounts?

AIG online savings accounts seem to offer the best interest rates. As for brick-and-mortar banks, rates don't differ much, maxing out at around 2%.

How can you find the banks with the highest interest rates for saving accounts?

One bank that has high interest rates for saving accounts is Capital One. Other options are EverBank, CIT Bank, Barclays Online Savings, SallieMae, and Discover.