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Q: What basic form of energy is in a blowing wind?
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How is wind energy gathered?

by the wind blowing

Is a strong west wind blowing across a region an example of potential energy?

No, it is an example for kinetic energy as the wind is blowing.

Is wind energy a non-renewable source?

No, wind is a renewable energy source. The wind will always be blowing!

When someone's blowing what kind of energy is that?

When someone's blowing, wind energy is released. It blows away object.

Does Vermont use wind energy?

It depends on how fast the wind is blowing.

Is blowing winds a form of erosion?

No, blowing wind can cause erosion but is not, of itself, a form of erosion.

What are the disadvantages of using wind energy and solar energy?

Solar energy is not available when the day is cloudy.Wind energy is not available when wind is not blowing.

The energy of ocean waves comes from the energy of?

Mostly by wind blowing across the water's surface.

How can wind give us energy?

By blowing a kite

How much energy could you get from wind?

Unlimited. Since the wind does not stop blowing.

Is a wind turbine able to make electricity if the wind is not blowing?

No, it only works when the wind is blowing. This is why renewable energy is best with a mix of resources. Solar energy, hydro power and wind are three that together can supply constant power.

Is wind blowing the vanes of a windmill chemical energy?

No; when wind blows the blades of a windmill, that's mechanical energy.