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Pearl Harbor.

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Q: What battle caused the US to declare war on japan?
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What led to the us full involvement in World War 2?

The immediate cause was Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. This caused the US to declare war on Japan, which led to Germany and Italy declaring war on the US.

When and Why did the war start in the pacific?

On December 7th, 1941 (a date which will live in infamy), the Empire of Japan bombed the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. This caused the US to declare war on Japan.

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The US was forced to declare war on Japan in DECEMBER 9, 1941

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the us didn't declare war on china in world war 2 us declared war on japan on 1941 when japan bombed pearl harbor hawii

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Answer this question… Germany's pact with Japan caused it to declare war on the United States.

On what day did the President declare war on Japan which caused the US to enter World War 2?

I believe it was December 8, 1941, the day after pearl harbor was attacked by the Japanese.....

What nation did the US declare war on in World War 2?

On Japan.

Can japan declare war after world war 2?

Any country can declare war on anybody else. What matters is can you back it up?

When Germany declare war on US?

after japan attacked pearl harbor and declared war on japan a German Allie

Why did the US declare war with Japan?

Because of Pearl Harbour.