

What battle was Napoleon defeated once and for all?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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The Battle of Waterloo.

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Q: What battle was Napoleon defeated once and for all?
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Who made Waterloo proved to be his final defeat?

Napoleon was finally defeated at Waterloo in 1815. It was not the first battle he had lost, that was Aspern-Essling in 1809. He was also defeated at the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig in 1813 and in the France Campaign of 1814. Borodino, in Russia in 1812 was a bloodbath, and might best be described as a draw, as was Wagram in 1809. As a result of the defeat by the Austrian & Prussian Armies in 1814 Napoleon was exiled to the Island in the Mediterranean. After Waterloo when Bluchers Prussians come to the aid of Wellingtons' British & Dutch/Belgians (Many of the Dutch/Belgians had previously fought for Napoleon !) Napoleon boarded HMS Bellerephon & was Exiled to St Helena, many miles from anywhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Napoleon died there in 1821. And apart from all that he still remains as one of the greatest Generals in History. Vive L'Empereur !

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He didn't. Napoleon was almost never wounded, and certainly went to his grave with all parts intact.

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The downfall of Napoleon. It took ten years, but once the French and Spanish fleets were destroyed, an invasion of England was never possible, and French ports could be blockaded. Thus, Napoleon could never overcome all his enemies, and his trade would be slowly strangled, to the profit of the British, who could then subsidise Napoleon's continental enemies.

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In a few words, the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo, which was significant for Britain. If it werent for him, we would all be living in a French Colony!!(No more cucumber sandwhichces with the crusts cut off!!) but instead would be pig trotters!!

How important a part did Britain play in the downfall of Napoleon?

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No,Russia never invaded,but France has once invaded Russia...that's for sure! Actually, Russia did invade France, but not as the aggressor country, the way Napoleon did to Russia. In 1814, after Napoleon invaded Russia then retreated back to France, Tsar Alexander I and the Russian Army (along with the Prussian and Austro-Hungarian armies) followed the retreating Napoleon all the way back to France. The Russian army entered France and defeated Napoleon at last. On March 31, 1814, Tsar Alexander I rode into Paris.