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Q: What bay is the birthing place for humpback whales?
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How many different animals in shark bay?

you would find sharks lots of sharks and dolphins and lots of fishes and turtles, sting rays, sea snakes and the worlds largest population of manatees and also migrating humpback whales.

What whales live in Boston harbor?

If you go just outside the Boston Harbor area you can find Humpback, Finback, and Minke whales. These are the types of whales you commonly see on the Boston Harbor whale watch cruises in addition to dolphins. The time to watch is seasonal. From Jan to May you can see whales within the Cape Cod Bay area and after that better chances are further out to sea or towards the mid-atlantic or south-eastern coast. For details you can check out the website (sponsored by the New England Aquarium) for the Boston Habor whale watch cruises.

Are some killer whales located in the Hudson Bay Canada?

Yes there are some Killer Whales located in the Hudson Bay. If traveling there to swim be careful.

Where do humpback live in what zone midnight zone?

Humpback whales live in all oceans of the world. They have feeding areas, and breeding areas. North Pacific humpbacks feed off Russia, Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Canada. They breed in three areas: Baja California, Hawaii, and the islands south of Okiniwa, Japan. Atlantic humpbacks feed as far north as Norway and breed south of the Caribbean. Southern Ocean humpbacks feed in the southern areas and breed off the west coast of Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa and Fiji. There are humpback whales seen year around Costa Rica. Just a few days ago a humpback whale was seen in Hong Kong Bay for the first time in many years.

Where do whales at Byron bay bread and live?

in north africa

What animals are most commonly encountered on whale watching expeditions in the bay?


The American warships that sailed into Edo Bay in 1853 were called what by Japanese?

Nijukowe: or raising whales

Do whales live in Hudson bay?

yes. Anywhere there is water there are likely fish. Some places have more than others, but all have fish.

What are three unique qualities about Delaware that would draw families form Europe to live?

the Delaware bay had a lot of whales. whales were used for almost everything in colonial life

Where did the battle of mobile bay take place?

mobile bay

What place rhymes with today?

any popular bay like San Fransisco Bay or Chespeake Bay

What are the animals in Hudson Bay lowlands?

the animals that live in or near the Hudson bay are musk ox and caribou.