

Best Answer

Kidney, there are kidney beans and the kidney as a human organ.

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Q: What beans are named after a human organ?
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What organ of the human body named itself?

The brain, as it is the organ responsible for self-awareness and language abilities, named itself by developing the concept of identity and creating the term "brain" to refer to itself.

The largest human organ is?

The largest human organ is the skin.

When was Human Beans created?

Human Beans was created on 2000-08-08.

What is the largest organ in a human?

The largest human organ is not actually "in" a human it is "on" a human. It is your skin, called the epidermis. "Inside" your body the liver is the largest organ.

What type of beans are named after a city in Peru?

Lima beans.

Is the human heart an organ?

Nope. The human heart is a muscle not an organ.

What is the largest organ on human?

The largest organ in the human body is the skin.

Why did the Borrowers call people 'human beans'?

They actually call 'human being' but there sound was like 'human beans'

What is the largest organ human beings have?

The skin is the largest human organ.

What is the largest organ in humans?

The largest human organ is not actually "in" a human it is "on" a human. It is your skin, called the epidermis. "Inside" your body the liver is the largest organ.

What human organ is the Mitochondria?

It is not a organ. It is an organelle

Which is the heaviest internal organ in the human body?

The liver is the most heaviest organ in the human body; It is also the largest internal organ.