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General MacArthur (American military commander in charge of the UN task force repelling the North Korean invasion of the South) was strongly against communism. He ordered (without the authorisation of the US president) that US troops would push the North Koreans past the 38th Parallel and then would invade North Korea and unite the whole Korean peninsula under a capitalist government. This turned into a war on Communism as oppose to just defending a nation against a foreign invasion. However, this made the Chinese start to fear a US invasion of their land and they entered the Korean War, causing the USA to eventually sign a ceasefire.

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Q: What became a goal for the war after north Korea were pushed back?
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What city did North Korea control after invading South Korea?

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What information can you give me on the Korean war?

It started June 25th, 1950. It started between North and South Korea. The Soviet Union supplied North Korea with supplies to conquer South Korea. The US entered the war because President Truman was convinced North Korean aggressors were repeating Hitler and to help South Korea resist communism. South Korea also asked the UN to intervene. UN forces pushed back the North Koreans, but they didn't stop at the North Korea - South Korea border. They pushed on. China felt this a threat to them, and attacked. The Chinese pushed UN troops back but by 1952 the UN had reclaimed South Korea. In July 1953 the UN and North Korea signed a ceasefire agreement. After the war North and South Korea stayed divided.

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It was fought in the north and the south of Korea with both sides making pushes into enemy territory. The war ended dead in the middle of Korea when the Chinese pushed the Americans back to south koreas borders.

Where did china push North Korea back to?

Current day North Korea

By 1950 how far back were the UN forces pushed back in South Korea?

Pusan perimeter

What point did the North Koreans almost win the Korean War?

In 1950 when they invaded S. Korea. Then they were pushed back to the Yalu river; at which point the Chinese Communists (Chicom) entered the war and pushed the UN back again. The see-saw war commenced (back and forth war).

In the Korean war what were the objectives of north Korea and south Korea?

North Korea: Take over all of South Korea South Korea: Defend South Korea north korea wanted to take over korea under communist rule, because north korea was stronger and richer than south korea at that time because of soviet back up. they say they wanted to make the south rich together with them, but it was to spread communism and take over south korea, and the north became reckless because of soviet backup. the objective of south korea was obviously defend south korea.

What happened in China immediately following would war 2?

the Korean war happened 5 years after ww2 ended at first it was just north and south Korea battling then united states jumped in to try and stop the spread of communism with the us helping the north Koreans were beaten back out of south Korea then they were being pushed back further and further in ther country china had warned the us to stop attacking north Korea or else but they kept going so china attacked the US forces in north Korea and beat them back at the end of the war the border was almost exactly where it was before

What were the US entrance strategies in Korean War?

Enter South Korea and drive the North Koreans back into North Korea.

Why were North Korea and South Korea Korea in conflict?

the north koreans wanted to rule the south..but the south fought back. and then they agreed to seperate as individual countries :(

Why did Chinese join south Korea in the fight against un forces?

As a matter of fact China did not join South Korea it joined North Korea.The truth to all this was that than Kim asked China for their blessing to invade South Korea.As the allied forces pushed North Koreans back China grew scared that the americans may also invade China so in turn it sent one millionChineseforces to prevent the americans from reaching the river which divides North Korea and China.North Korea was in the brink of loosing the war if itwasn'tfor China's intervention North Korea would of cease to exist.

What geographic feauture separate Korea from the mainland of China?

Korea was separated after WWII when Allied Forced namely the USSR occupied the North and The USA occupied the South. They divided the peninsula on the 38th parallel. In 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea in an effort to reunify the country but was eventually pushed back by US forces. It remains divided to this day.