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In the book "A Child Called 'It,'" the father developed a new habit of drinking heavily and becoming increasingly violent and abusive towards his son. This behavior contributed to the overall neglect and mistreatment that the author suffered at the hands of his father.

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Q: What became fathers new habit in the book a child called it?
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An antonym for habit, is not doing it. Also called, deviation.

Why is reading a good habit?

First of all clear one thing about reading habit or any habit. Any habit which makes your life better and makes you a good person that is called good habit. Now think about reading habit. If you are a reader then the chances of becoming a good person is more than a person who doesn't have this habit.

Definition of reading habit?

A reading habit is when a person has a strong love of reading anddesire to read all throughout his lifetime. This love of reading isoften begun as a child.