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hey bro, energy becomes kinetic :)

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Q: What becomes of the energy expended against friction?
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When mechanical energy is lost due to friction it becomes?

It is converted into thermal energy, or heat.

What becomes of the energy used in the overcoming friction?

it is dissipated as heat

Which enery transformation occurs when a match is lit?

The chemical energy - sugars - in your bloodstream are absorbed by the muscle cells in your arms. Your muscles convert this chemical energy into kinetic energy (the energy of motion) in moving the match against the sandpaper surface. The movement of the match against the sandpaper surface causes friction, changing the kinetic energy into heat. The heat of friction in the matchhead causes the phosphorus coating to ignite, converting the heat of friction into heat of combustion, in which the chemical energy in the match is oxidized into radiant heat.

How are gravity and friction related?

They're not. Gravity is a conservative force and friction is a non-conservative force. This means that the amount of energy expended while in motion opposing these forces varies. When moving in a gravitational field, energy is needed only to move upwards, opposing gravity. No energy is needed to move perpendicular through the field. Think of when a football is thrown through the air. The ball leaves the quarterback's arm and arrives at the receiver traveling almost at the exact same speed (neglecting wind). In contrast, consider moving a heavy book across the top of a table. The longer the path taken to move the book, the more energy is expended. I guess a small connection may be that without gravity, there would be no force pushing things down, which would remove friction in some cases. But friction is involved in almost every physical system, such as things when rotate.

Why is a perpetual machine impossible?

Perpetual motion machine is impossible because of the loss of energy due to friction or some other factors. This becomes clear in case of heat engine too. Certain amount of energy will be lost in irreversible way. Hence perpetual motion becomes impossible.

Related questions

Why does friction reduce the mechanical advantage in machines?

Because some energy is expended in overcoming the friction and not applied to performing the task which the machine is meant to do.

When mechanical energy is lost due to friction it becomes?

It is converted into thermal energy, or heat.

What becomes of the energy used in the overcoming friction?

it is dissipated as heat

What is friction and what does it produce?

Friction produces heat!!!!!

What is the power expended when a barbell is lifted 2.2m in 2 seconds?

The power during the lift is (weight of the barbell in Newtons)/4.4 watts.Note:Power is not "expended". Energy is. Power is the rate at which energy is expended.

When an object loses kinetic energy due to a force of kinetic friction is the loss of kinetic energy transformed primarily into potential or thermal energy?

Kinetic friction is associated with thermal energy (and sound or light).

What energy tranformations take place when the brake pedals are pressed?

Kinetic energy becomes heat by way of the friction caused by braking.

What does expended mean?

It means the same as spent. Money which is expended is spent. A battery which is expended is spent; it has been used up.

Why is the wind's energy able to move objects?

Because of friction. The kinetic energy in the wind pushes against the particles of the object.

How can shivering help you to survive the cold?

Shivering is a reflex triggered in response to hypothermia in which muscles shake in an attempt to generate heat. The energy expended during the shaking becomes heat.

How is friction defined scientifically?

Friction is a force present when things rub against eachother. Friction causes heat energy, and it also causes motion between surfaces to be reduced.

Mechanical energy is the energy due to what?

It is the energy expended by a mechanical force acting over a distance.