

What bedding is good for hamsters?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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"Avoid newspapers and other printed paper as bedding because your hamster may consume the ink when they are tearing up the paper to make a nest. There have also been rising reports regarding the toxicity and dangers of cedar and pine shavings as bedding for hamster's cages. Some of the alleged health problems as a result of regular use include itchy skin and scratching, and even liver problems.

- cedar shavings cause urine problems which can kill your hamster so DO NOT use cedar shavings.

The use of fluffy/cellulose bedding, which has the appearance of fiberglass/cotton wool, is also suspected to cause choking, pouch infections and intestine blockages."

the fluffy/celulose kind did kill one of my hamsters:'(

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15y ago

The best types of bedding are those from the Care Fresh brand. There are also less expensive brands like it that will also do. Do not get wood shavings of any kind, even though they are cheaper. Your hamster could develop respiratory problems from breathing in the dust, and besides, shavings are really uncomfortable for them. They much prefer a comfy mattress of Care Fresh. If you don't want to spent a fortune on care freesh, mix some shredded newspaper up with it, they don't really care. And if you have and old, pregnant, or baby hamster, they really enjoy it when you make them a nest of soft tissues. But every other day or so, you need to switch it so that it doen't get soiled. Hope this has been helpful!

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14y ago

you can use many types of bedding.but whatever you use, please do not use pine or cedar bedding because this could harm the hamster. you could use many different brands of ASPEN or BOXO/ CAREFRESH or other paper recycled bedding. you could also even use shredded paper WITH NO INK ON IT. you can check out my YouTube channel if you would like, i have a short video on hamster bedding if you would like to see what these look like. Click on the related link below. (p.s. i use carefresh or boxo. any paper recycled material really.)

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14y ago

What sort of bedding you use for your hamster is very important. There are several types that can be bought. One type is fluffy and looks like cotton wool. It is important you don't use this as it can tangle into threats and knot around the hamsters intestines. The best type to use looks like torn up j- cloth and is also environmentally friendly.

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dwarf hamsters need the same bedding as normal hamsters which is straw or shavings which you can get in a pet shop.

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in my experience, care fresh bedding is THE BEST bedding for ANY type of small animal. so ,yes. But one thing, never use anything other than aspen, it is not good for hamsters.

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I think you have to buy their bedding, they don't make it thereselves. If we don't buy the bedding, how will they make it? That's a good question! You can also look it up in the internet,in

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Hamsters have pouches to keep food in them. Also if they want to move there bedding around the cage, they will put saw dust or bedding in there mouths and will arrange the cage how they like, this is a good thing because you will no when they are settled because they will stop moving all there bedding/ sawdust around. :-)

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Because when hamsters poo or wee on their bedding it gets pressed down and squashed! Xx

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saw dust is something that lots of people use as bedding. I use saw dust for my hamsters bedding!

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I don't think so, the hamster could eat all of the bedding and get really FAT. So my opinion is no.

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all of them

Is newspaper toxic to hamsters?

Yes, newspaper ink can be toxic to hamsters if ingested, so it is not recommended as bedding material. It's best to use safe bedding options for hamsters like aspen shavings, paper-based bedding, or commercial hamster bedding from pet stores.