

What bees are the most aggressive?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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hmm in my years of experience i would say home made beer....oh wait you said bees! lol well definatly African killer bees (only 200 in the world but they are the size of two fists (adult) and can sting you up to 60 times one sting will kill you. no suvviving. they will then eat you alive (no lie) and they sting anyone or anything that comes close to their nest. if you make loud sounds they will sting if you move fast they will sting. oh and they swarm. they have 4 queens so if one dies they remain, and they do not die after stings, only run out of venom.

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Most bees are not aggressive. Hornets and wasps are aggressive. If you have hornets, avoid that area or spray them.

What are killer bees?

aggressive honey bees

What is the 2nd reason why bees are aggressive?

Well, first of all, bees are not aggressive. They are trying to protect their territory, defending their food, and protecting larvae. So in real life, bees aren't aggressive.

Why are killer bees so aggressive?

Killer bees are so aggressive because when they were cross-bred. They were meant to produce honey fast but it turns out they don't produce honey well and there just mean. I think there so aggressive because of the African bees (That was one of the types of bees that was cross breaded to make this species).

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africanized bees are more aggressive and attack whatever approaches their hive. also called killer bees

Are honey bees aggressive?

They can be, particularly if they are guarding their home.

What is an example of an aggressive defense in honey bees?

It can sting

What is the behavior of a African killer bee?

Africanized killer bees are more aggressive than regular bees and attack at any given moment.

Do killer bees kill people?

No they cant kill you they are only called killer bees because they are much more aggressive and attack more often.

What are the comparative and superlative word of aggressive?

more aggressive, most aggressive

What is the comparative and superlative to the word aggressive?

More aggressive, Most aggressive.

Why are bees so harmless and wasps are very dangerous?

Bees are NOT harmless, and Africanized bees can be very aggressive. Wasp stings are more painful, but either one can cause anaphylactic shock and death to the allergic or severely stung.