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Learned behaviors are motives that enhance an animal's ability to survive in its current environment. Most learned behaviors are not absolutely essential for life; however, they can assist immensely in their everyday lifestyle (i.e. walking, and running are learned behavior often taught through the maternal guardian of the animal).

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Q: What behaviors do animals learn from their parents?
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Do animals learn behaviors by listening to their parents?

Yes, some animals learn behaviors from their parents through a process called observational learning. This can include skills such as hunting, foraging, and social interactions. Observation of parental behaviors can help young animals acquire valuable survival skills.

What is a behavior that an animal begins life with?

Different animals have different behaviors. Some learn behaviors from parents while others dont have the parents to learn after so they either develop thier own behavior or they have an instinct that tells them how to act.

What are learn behaviors?

Eagles learn to fly and fish with the help of their parents.

What are chameloens learned behaviors from their parents?

Chameleons learn how to hunt from their parents

How do people learn what are acceptable behaviors and which ones are not?

through socialization

What are eagles learned behaviors?

Eagles learn to fly and fish with the help of their parents.

What learned behaviors do giraffes have?

They learn how to find food and water by their parents. They also learn how to protect them self from predators.

What are some learned behaviors for a bat?

A bats learned bahvior it is not hard to do the learn from there parents and famliy!

What are some human behaviors that a baby might learn from his or her parents?

there attitude how they talk how they act how they react

What are some learned behaviors for bats?

A bats learned bahvior it is not hard to do the learn from there parents and famliy!

How animals learn?

Sometimes animals don't have to learn because they have something called innate behavior which is where it is natural and they don't have to think about certain things. Others behaviors they usually learn from their pack or family.

What are effects of learned behaviors?

Animals learn behaviors to survive in their ecosystems. Some learned behaviors include hunting for food and migrating to live near food sources. Learned behaviors of domestic animals include learning tricks, and other training of the animal by humans.