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Q: What behaviors is culture reflected in?
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How Benjamin Franklin reflected that culture?

demonstrates how Benjamin Franklin reflected that culture.

Why are some ways in which culture is reflected?

Culture can be reflected in various ways, such as language, art, music, literature, customs, traditions, religion, and social norms. It can also be seen in the way people dress, the food they eat, their architecture, and their values and beliefs. Overall, culture is a complex system of knowledge, experiences, and behaviors that are learned and shared by a group of people.

The of a group along with the beliefs that go along with them make up its?

behaviors ; culture

How culture reflected in your folk songs?

how do we reconide the culture of specific country through their fokl songThe culture of a country/place is reflected on its folk songs since itslyrics describe the culture itself.

What is a subculture whose values and behaviors oppose mainstream culture?

A counterculture is a subculture whose values and behaviors oppose mainstream culture.

What is the basic unit of a culture social structure?

The basic unit of a culture's social structure is typically the family. Families provide a foundation for socialization, relationships, and support within a community. They also often shape norms, values, and behaviors that are then reflected in the broader society.

How is culture reflected in folk song?

how do we reconide the culture of specific country through their fokl songThe culture of a country/place is reflected on its folk songs since itslyrics describe the culture itself.

How is cultured reflected in your folk songs?

how do we reconide the culture of specific country through their fokl songThe culture of a country/place is reflected on its folk songs since itslyrics describe the culture itself.

Is culture reflected in daily life and arts?


Shared attitudes knowledge and behaviors of a group?


The behaviors and belief of a group of people can be called its?


How is culture reflected in southeast Asia?

Asian culture is reflected through their different elements of music;the rhythm,style,harmony,texture,dynamics and melody.Their music contains or shows their culture and tradition which differentiate it from one another, And also their arts, reflected through the elements of art. And this will also our guidelines