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The beleife system is confutionsm

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

The belief system that the quote belongs to is most likely a form of benevolent leadership or ethical leadership. It suggests that a good leader should possess qualities of virtue and kindness towards their subjects, earning their loyalty in return. This belief system prioritizes moral values and integrity in leadership.

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Q: What belief system did the quote a good leader is one who is virtous and kind towards his subjects in exchange for their loyalty belong to?
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A greek writer and biographer who was a member of the litteray movement known as the second sophistic, which was the greek equivilent to the silver age of latin literature. He wrote during the Julio-Claudian period, his biographies were paired accounts of famous Greeks and Romans to allow for easy comparison between the two cultures. His biographies mainly focus on the lives of men whom he held to be virtuous for the didactic purpose of exemplifying virtue so his readers could understand how to live their own lives in a more virtous fashion, however he wrote one pair of lives that focuses on negative characteristics.

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