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Q: What benefits are you entitled to if you are unemployed in England?
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What are benefits?

Help, or guidance, You can have benefits by unemployed people, etc.

Ex pat returning to UK after 9 years what benefits entitled to?

Benefits receivable would vary depending on how long NI contributions had been made before emigrating, the nature of your return, value of savings and income of partner. If you were unemployed as a result of your own actions, with no contribution history and high savings, you would be entitled to nothing.

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If you are unemployed and receiving disability benefits can you still file income tax?

Yes, if income taxes were deducted and you are entitled to refund due to income tax rate, dependents, deductions, etc. as any other tax payer

What benefits do widows of honorable discharged veterans get?

you aren't entitled to veteran's benefits through the VA. You could be entitled to benefits directly through the military IF he died on active duty

Can children of one parent that is deported get any benefits?

If the child is otherwise entitled to public benefits, they will still be entitled if a parent is deported. There is no added or forfeited benefits to a child of a deported parent.

Is the widow of a late national guardsman entitled to any government benefits?

Perhaps state benefits but not government benefits

Does a child receive Social Security benefits after the death of his or her guardian?

If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.

Definition of benefits?

Benefits are what you receive from insurance for instance. This is the goods, service or monetary amounts you are entitled to.

What is claim benefits used for?

Claim benefits is a term mostly used in regards to unemployment benefits. In this regard, it means you have filed for, and received, money from the state while you were unemployed.

Can you claim British Benefits if you live in Canary Islands?

If you are a British citizen there may be some benefits to which you are entitled.

In the state of Florida, do you have to be unemployed to qualify for family financial aid?

No, you do not have to be unemployed in the state of Florida to qualify for financial benefits for your family. Food stamp, medical assistance and cash benefits are available for low-income families depending on your available cash and assets. Guidelines for these benefits can be found at: