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The English colony of Roanoke is best characterized by its mysterious disappearance in the late 16th century. Known as the "Lost Colony," its inhabitants vanished without a trace, leaving behind many unanswered questions and speculation about their fate. It remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in American history.

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Q: What best characterizes the English colony of Roanoke?
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Why is Roanoke Island famous?

Roanoke Island is famous for being the site of the mysterious disappearance of the Roanoke Colony in the late 16th century, which left behind only the word "Croatoan" carved into a tree. This event has become known as the "Lost Colony" and continues to intrigue historians and researchers to this day. Additionally, Roanoke Island is also renowned for its role in the English colonization of North America and its historical significance in early American history.

What settlement was best known for cash crop farming Jamestown new Amsterdam Plymouth or Roanoke?

Jamestown was best known for cash crop farming, specifically tobacco. Tobacco became a significant cash crop that drove the economy of the Virginia colony and contributed to its prosperity.

What was he only clue that John white discovered about he missing settlers when he returned to he Roanoke colony?

The word "Croatoan" was carved on a post at the entrance to the palisado, and a similar "CRO" was carved on a tree. A secret sign that the settlers were forced was no inscribed anywhere. (The best explanation was that the settlers went to live with nearby Indian tribes, and were lost to accident or attacks.)

What was the only clue that John White discovered about the missing settlers when he returned to the Roanoke colony?

The only clue John White discovered upon his return to Roanoke in 1590 was the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree. This led scholars to speculate that the settlers may have relocated to Croatoan Island or been assimilated by the local Native American tribe.

What best describes what happened to the Roanoke colonists?

The fate of the Roanoke colonists remains a mystery. The settlement was found abandoned in 1590 with the word "Croatoan" carved into a post. It is speculated that they may have integrated with the local Native American tribe or faced other challenges.