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Q: What best describes greek sculpture created during the classical period?
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What describes classical Greek sculpture?

Figures show a combination of ideal beauty and naturalistic detail and proportion is the sentence that correctly describes the Classic Greek relief sculpture in the Parthenon frieze.

What were the major characteristic of greek sculpture during this period?

tell me the answer to this please i really need to answer this,

What do you call the period in Europe when the arts and literature flourished?

The Renaissance in Italy was during the 14th to the 17th century. All of the arts thrived, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, philosophy and music, as well as science. The Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, art and literature.

Which sculptor created the Pieta?

The famous Pietà by Michelangelo is a sculpture, not a painting. However, a painting of the Pietà that was thought to be the work of one of Michelangelo's students was identified as one of his own in 2010. Art historians Antonio and Maria Forcellino presented research that attributed the panels to the master, basing their conclusions on technical research and on an analysis of Michelangelo's circle of friends in the 1530's and 1540's.

What is classical art?

Classical art dates back to as early as 500 B.C. during the rise of the Greek Empire. The Greeks celebrated the human figure through sculpture in highly naturalistic detail. This is one of the eras defining qualities. After the Romans conquered the Greeks they still regarded Greek culture and art as superior to any other. The Romans imported thousands of original Greek artworks and had them copied in even greater numbers. In fact, much of what we know about Greek art, we only know through Roman copies. Ancient architecture in Greece and Rome are also considered classical works of art including: The Pantheon, The Parthenon, The Arch of Constantine, and the Column of Trajan.

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The sculptures pictured below come from two different historical periods. The sculpture on the left was crafted in Greece during the classical era. The sculpture on the right was created in the Renais?

APEX: Renaissance artists developed their artistic styles by following examples left by classical civilization.

What type of artwork developed and flourished during the roman classical period?

Painting and sculpture. Mosiacs and massive architecture.

What describes classical Greek sculpture?

Figures show a combination of ideal beauty and naturalistic detail and proportion is the sentence that correctly describes the Classic Greek relief sculpture in the Parthenon frieze.

What best describes musical life during the Classical Era?

concerts were unusually long by today's standards (apex)Concerts were unusually long by today's standards.

Where is the red sculpture in Chicago that you see during the parade during Farris Bueller's Day off?

Calder Flamingo Sculpture at the Federal Center Plaza

Why is 'Antigone' a classical Greek drama?

That it is a play that is written during the classical age of ancient Greek literature is the reason why "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.) is a classical Greek drama.Specifically, the term classical Greek describes the great age of literary output during the fifth century B.C.E. in ancient Greece. The term drama describes plays, such as comedies and tragedies, that are presented on the stage before a live audience. The story of "Antigone" indeed is told in the format of a play whose writing tends to be dated to around 440 B.C.E., or the mid-fifth century B.C.E.

What is Beethoven's music an example of?

Beethoven's music is an example of classical music. Ludwig Van Beethoven was a German classical composer who created great symphonies and lived during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The main subject to Greek art during the classical period was?

The main subject of Greek art during the classical period was the human form, particularly idealized figures that emphasized harmony, proportion, and beauty. Artists aimed to capture the idealized essence of the human body in sculpture and pottery, showcasing the importance of balance and symmetry in their works.

Who was the most influential composer of the Classical period?

Let's see...Beethoven was born during the Classical period, and died during the period he largely created (the Romantic era). It's not him. Early Classical era masters CPE Bach and Gluck were born during the Baroque period and died during the Classical period. It's not them either. Mozart was born during the Classical era in which he died, which is not really living through the whole Classical era. Haydn, on the other hand, was born in 1732, when the beginnings of the Classical era emerged, though contemporary classical music was still largely Baroque. Haydn lived a long life and died in 1809, during a time when the late Classical period and the early Romantic period (represented at that time by composers such as Beethoven, Paganini, and Weber) overlapped. So I guess Joseph Haydn is the closest answer out there.

What style of music was played during the classical era?

Mainly classical music

How is michealangelo famous from Italy?

he was a famous artist/sculpture. he created some of the most magnificent pieces of work the world has ever seen. He came around during the renaissance.