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Selective breeding produces exactly what the person doing the selective breeding needs or wants. Today many Farming industries selectively breed their produce to have certain traits that seem more appealing to the customer buying their vegetables or fruit such as size and color(in respect to what the fruit is naturally like, in other words your not going to create purple apples)

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12y ago
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14y ago

Selective breeding is when a species is purposely breed to have certain characteristics.

Ex. lots of dogs are breed to have a shiny coat, of a certain color of fur etc.

Natural selection is having nature choose your characteristics.

Ex. On the Galapagos Islands, the finches have different depths of beaks. All they eat are seeds. The beaks ranges from 6 to 14 mm deep when the rainfall is normal. During years of drought, the seeds they eat have less water and the seeds are large and tough to crack open. Then, the finches with small beaks won't be able to crack the seeds open because they have weaker beaks than finches with larger beaks. The small beak finches die of starvation and the large beak finches live to pass on their genes of having large beaks. Over time, the finches with small beaks all die off and there will only be finches with larger beaks. This is natural selection.

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13y ago

well well well. we meet again. i guess i am your answer. and right now, im pissed. that's right. your answer is pissed. where were you last night? you said ud be home from work at 7. at 9 i heard you come in. were you with Lola again? i knew you couldn't get over her. I can't believe i trusted you. I had made a full dinner. A full dinner! With side dishes! String beans and potatoes. And at the center of the meal, a large meat loaf. And all of this, all of me, your perfect answer, you missed because you were off at some motel with Lola. I'm changing the lock as we speak. Don't call me. And don't ask me what selective breeding is because you've lost the right to know it!

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12y ago

It's a process of breeding plants and animals by the farmer/breeder. For example, when you are selective breeding a cow, you're making them to have more milk.

information from

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14y ago

its when you take a desirable trait to produce a certain kind of offspring.

like making bigger sweeter strawberries or making horses faster.

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12y ago

putting two specific breeds on animals/plants together to form a mixed breed as in selecting which ones you want to put together

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6y ago

choosing to breed animals with favorable traits

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Ashley Sagrero

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3y ago

favorable trait animals

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Artificial selection refers to the process of intentionally breeding desirable traits in either plants or animals. It is also known as selective breeding.

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Another name of selective breeding can also be artificial selection.

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You do not allow evolution to occur, for you are evolution in selective breeding.

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They selectively breed them. So that the animal has the best characteristics possible. Examples are pigs with more fat or sheep with thicker wool.

Why use selective breeding?

Selective breeding is a way of maintaining animal existence. Selective breeding is when the strong survive. If only the weak survived then all animals would die out quickly

The practice of breeding dogs to produce offspring with specific traits is an example of?

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What does selective breeding involve?

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