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The authors claim is not supported by strong evidence

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Anthony Alfaro

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Q: What best describes the author's use of a claim and a counterclaim in the passage?
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What counterclaim is the author responding to by using information from Peter Singer a professor of bioethics at Princeton?

The claim that the vegan diet is too expensive- apex

When writing a character analysis essay about Death of a Salesman what should you do after finding textual evidence to support your claim?

explain how your evidence supports your claim

What is an example of a symbol in 'Antigone'?

The white shield is an example of a symbol in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, a symbol describes the representation of something abstract for something concrete. The description fits the white shield that is mentioned in the parados. The white shield is a concrete representation of the Argive nation that supports Polyneices' legitimate claim to the Theban throne.

What does Zeus utterly abhor in 'Antigone'?

Proud boasting is what Zeus utterly abhors in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the chorus leader identifies Zeus the chief god's pet peeve just after the opening interaction between Theban Princesses Antigone and Ismene. He describes the prideful boasting in the case of Polyneices amassing an army of disgruntled Thebans and supportive Argives to attack his own hometown of Thebes. Ironically, Polyneices in reality can be said to be in the right for defending his legitimate claim to the Theban royal throne, and his claim is vindicated when his son Thersander takes over the throne and keeps it within the hands of his descendants.

Was William Davenant William Shakespeares son?

No, although he tried to claim that he was.

Related questions

What is a Response to a counterclaim?

a cross claim

How would you refute an author's claim with a counterclaim?

To refute a claim with a counterclaim, you must support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims.

What is definition of plaintiff by counterclaim?

If you are the plaintiff by counterclaim - that means you were the defendant in a previous claim and are now offsetting that claim with a counterclaim. You reverse your role with this action and point the finger back at the original plaintiff.

Is a counterclaim to this historian's claim?

We don't know who "this" historian is so we don't have the answer.

What is a resposne to a counterclaim called?

A response to a counterclaim is typically referred to as a rebuttal. It is a formal statement that challenges or refutes the points made in the counterclaim. The purpose of a rebuttal is to defend the original claim and weaken the opposing argument.

Which sentence most clearly indicates a transition from a claim to a counterclaim in an argumentative essay?

The sentence that introduces an opposing viewpoint by stating, "However, critics argue that..." would most clearly indicate a transition from a claim to a counterclaim in an argumentative essay.

If true would be a strong counterclaim to the historians claim?

One potential strong counterclaim could be presenting evidence or eyewitness accounts that directly contradict the historian's claim. Additionally, analyzing alternative interpretations of the data provided by the historian could potentially weaken the strength of their claim. Alternatively, highlighting any biases or limitations in the historian's sources or methodology could also serve as a strong counterclaim.

What is counter claim?

A counterclaim is a claim made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff's claim in a legal case. It asserts that the plaintiff's claim is invalid, often as a defense or a way to demand relief. It is a legal mechanism that allows both parties to present their arguments and evidence before a court.

Counterclaim: Students sometimes need to be able to use their phones, especially in an emergency situation. Which claim best corresponds to this counterclaim?

The use of cell phones should be banned in schools :) -Apex-

What is Prefix for claim?

Claim is usually given a prefix, not used as one. Some prefixes for the word claim below: disclaim, reclaim, overclaim, counterclaim, exclaim, acclaim, proclaim

Does the counter claim need quotes in an essay?

It is not necessary to use quotes when presenting a counterclaim in an essay. However, it is important to clearly distinguish the counterclaim from the main argument and provide appropriate evidence or reasoning to support it.

How do you use counterclaim in a sentence?

You can use a counterclaim in a sentence by presenting an argument or point that challenges or opposes the main claim being made. For example, "While some believe that technology improves productivity, a counterclaim could be that excessive screen time hinders face-to-face communication skills."