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Q: What best explain the caste system?
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How was the aryans caste system?

best describes the Aryan caste system

What is the best slogans in English about caste system?

Caste inequality

Best describes the Aryan caste system?

you were not allowed to change caste

Explain major beliefs and practices of Hinduism castes system and how Hinduism justifies the caste system in India?

The caste system used to go by what career you aspired, but now it changed to be a bit racist. Hinduism does not justify the caste system, and caste system is now illegal in india. It is more of a social/cultural thing than a religious custom.

What statements best exemplifies the caste system?

The caste system is a social hierarchy based on hereditary and hierarchical divisions, where individuals are categorized into specific groups with predetermined roles and statuses in society. This system often restricts social mobility and reinforces traditional norms and occupations based on one's birth. Discrimination and marginalization of lower caste individuals are prevalent, leading to unequal access to resources and opportunities.

What best describes the life of a citizen in a caste system?

In a caste system, a citizen's life is largely determined by the caste into which they are born. Each caste has its own societal roles, expectations, and restrictions. Moving between castes is typically very difficult, shaping a person's opportunities, social interactions, and sense of identity throughout their life.

Which best descibes the aryan caste system?

You were not allowed to change castes.

Which best describes the Aryan caste system?

You were not allowed to change castes

How did hundism affect the caste system?

it affected the caste system by bringing new content to the caste system.

What are the Buddhism beliefs in respect of the caste system?

Buddhism has no belief in caste system. It frankly rejected the caste system.

Which of these statements is the best description of the caste system in India?

The caste system in India is a social hierarchy that divides people into different groups based on their occupation and birth. It has been a traditional system where individuals are born into a specific caste that determines their social status and opportunities in life. The caste system has been criticized for perpetuating inequality and discrimination in society.

What was based on the writings of the veda's?

The Caste System