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Enoch and Elijah

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Q: What biblical prophets never died?
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Who were the 2 men who never died during biblical times?

Enoch & elijah

Why would God deceive the prophets?

A:Whether God deceived the prophets is a matter of biblical interpretation. If we interpret their writings as prophecies of events that never came to pass, then he deceived them. On the other hand, if we read their writings in their most straight-forward meanings as debates and warnings about social and political events of their own time, then God never misled those prophets.

Who are the 7th Century Biblical Prophets?

Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Jeremiah

When was Mary's death?

Mary never died. She was assumed Body & Soul into Heaven, just like the Prophets Elijah & Enoch.

How do you use profit and prophet in one sentence?

The biblical prophets rarely profited from their own foreknowledge.

How did Brigham Young retire?

LDS Prophets don't retire-- they are in it until death. So, he never really retired, until he died.

What religion has Prophets?

Most religions believe in some form of ancient prophets. Judaism and Christianity have the prophets of the Old Testament. Islam adds Mohammad to the list of ancient prophets. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) believes in the Biblical prophets as well as modern-day prophets. They believe that the leader of their church is the prophet of God.

How do Muslims view Jewish and Christian prophets?

Islam has more or less re-apportioned Jewish and Christian prophets as Islamic prophets and argues that all of these prophets are part of a larger Islamic prophetic tradition. As a result, most of these prophets are highly regarded, but their message in the Qur'anic narrative may be different from that in the Biblical narrative.

Do those that are not prophets have respect in their country?

The (Biblical) saying has it that 'a prophet is honored everywhere except in his home town'. That doesn't mean that people who are NOT prophets, automatically do get respect. They will have to earn it, just like us.

When did Elizabeth - biblical figure - die?

Elizabeth - biblical figure - died in -0##.

When did Benjamin Wilson - biblical scholar - die?

Benjamin Wilson - biblical scholar - died in 1900.

When did James Barr - biblical scholar - die?

James Barr - biblical scholar - died in 2006.