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He is on the 2 dollar bill.

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Q: What bill is John Hancock on?
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Who first signed the declaration of independents?

John Hancock.

Who is related to John Hancock?

john hancock jr. his son

How did John Hancock get his name?

From his father John Hancock Jr. and his father John Hancock Sr.

Did John Hancock have a ponytail?

No, John Hancock did not have a ponytail.

Was John Hancock single?

no john Hancock was married

What was John Hancock importance?

Why was John Hancock importance

What promise did John Hancock make that had delagates ratify the Constitution?

John Hancock promised to have "The bill of rights" that had delagates ratify the Constitution. The bill of rights are amendments or rules that gave people rights for example the first amendment is the freedom of speech, religion, and petition.

When did john Hancock's kids die?

Lydia Hancock 10months old John George Washington Hancock 8 years old

When did John Hancock's uncle adopted him?

no john hancock did not get adopted

What was john Hancock's in the war?

what was john hancock's role in the war

What does i need your John Hancock mean?

"John Hancock" is presumably the problematic term in that phrase, the rest of it is pretty straightforward. "John Hancock" is slang for "signature", coming from the very prominent signature of John Hancock on the US Declaration of Independence. The John Hancock Life Insurance company had a commercial jingle featuring the line "put your John Hancock on the John Hancock".

Who was first to sign the decloration of independence?

john Hancock was the first on to sign for the united states.