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Q: What biological molecules that are used to show relatedness between organisms?
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How are evolution and clssifacation related?

In the system of classification called cladistics there is a progressive relationship based on the evolutionary relatedness between taxa of organisms.

What is the need of biological classification answer it?

classification is needed to find out link between organisms

What are large biological molecules put together by?

Most Biological molecules are put together or held together by covalent bonds. Covalent bonds form between two nonmetal elements.

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Hydrolysis breaks the bonds between molecules.

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Endocytosis is the cellular uptake of biological molecules and particulate matter via formation of new vesicles from the plasma membrane.Exocytosis is the cellular secretion of biological molecules by the fusion of vesicles containing them with the plasma membraneEndocytosis takes IN molecules, Exocytosis puts OUT molecules.

In what two ways G C content data are taxonomically valuable?

It has been observed that there is a correlation between GC content and relatedness between species. This means there is a similarity in GC content in closely relates species. And since taxonomy is involved with classification of organisms, GC contect is an excellent indicator of relatedness. Using this technique, the classification process can be made more precise

How does the structure of macromolecules such as proteins act as an index of relatedness between species?

Organic molecules that just so happen to weigh more than 100,000 daltons, are from that point on then referred to as macromolecules which is related between the species.

What is phylogenetics?

based on natural evolutionary relationships Answer Phylogenetics is the study of the closeness/relatedness of genetic codes.

Phylogenetic trees are visual representations of .?

ancestral relationships of organisms Plato users c

What is the role of water in biological system?

Water is the universal polar solvent in which solutes can be dissolved. hydrogen bonds are formed between water molecules and proteins that is essential for life. Water is used in metabolism, photosynthesis pathways. Water regulates temperature in many organisms.

How are the organisms on a branching tree diagram grouped?

Branching tree diagrams (or cladograms) attempt to show the ancestral relationships between species. The groupings indicate relatedness - closely grouped organisms will be more closely related (sharing a more recent common ancestor) than organisms which descend from earlier divisions, which will be further away on the cladogram.

What is the relationship between chromosomes and DNA molecules?

Chromosomes are complete molecules of DNA and its attached proteins. A chromosome carries part or all of an organisms genes.