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Almost every animal lives in one specific biome. A killer whale (and all whales) live in the ocean or marine biome.

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Q: What biome does a killer whale live in?
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What other animals live in the same biome as the killer whale?

other whales, seals, sharks, fishes, jelly fish .

What continent does the killer whale live in?

In what continent does the Killer Whale Live in?all over the world but mainly in antertica

Where Killer whale live?

i killer whale lives in the north pacific artic and Atlantic ocean

What region of the earth does the killer whale live in?

the killer whale region it's below the suicidal whale region, but above the pacifist whale region

Do killer whales have live young?

Yes the killer whale is a warm blooded mammal just like us and will give birth to live young.A killer whale will give birth every 3-10 years and they have a gestation period of about 17 months the killer whale will stay dependent of its mother for 2 years but will stay with its pod for its whale life

Does the killer whale live in or by the ocean?

In the ocean

Does the killer whale live in antarctic?


Do killer whale live in groups?

Yes, killer whales live in groups called pods

Does where a killer whale live determine what it eats?

yes it is.

What is a whale's life span?

An Killer whale can live 50-80 years in the wild

What is a pregnant fish killer called?

Killer whale Killer whale Killer whale

What biome do sharks live in?

Almost every animal lives in one specific biome. A killer whale (and all whales) live in the ocean or marine biome.