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Q: What biome is hot in the daytime cool or cold at night very dry organisms are adapted to extreme temperatures and dry conditions?
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In the daytime hours, the temperatures are well above 100. but at night it is actually frezing temperatures

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Daytime only as humans are ill-adapted to hunt at night.

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Maximum daytime temperatures over a period of a year, or longer.

What is fascinating about mercury the planet?

The fact that its daytime and nighttime temperatures vary between -183C and +427C.

What is the climate like in Latvia?

Latvia has a moderate climate with four distinct seasons. Winter's have become warmer but the average winter temperatures are still bjust below zero. Average summer temperatures are in the high teens with daytime temperatures in the mid twenties.

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Mercury! With 430 °C on daytime, and -180°C at night

What are the sign of autumn that you see around you?

Leaves will be dropping from the trees, and the daytime air temperatures will also be lower.

Which of the following Daytime temperatures on Mercury are extremely hot because?

Because it is close to the sun, and it has long days.

What does darkness look like?

Same as daytime just low light conditions.

Why plants bloom only at daytime?

Plants bloom only during daytime for several reasons. First, plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, which produces the energy needed for the blooming process. This is especially true for flowering plants, which rely heavily on the sun's energy. Second, plants have adapted to the changing light conditions of the day and night cycle, and they have evolved to bloom in a certain period of time during the day. Lastly, blooming during the day allows the plant to attract pollinators, such as bees, with its brightly colored petals. There are several factors that make daytime the optimal time for plants to bloom: Sunlight is needed for photosynthesis, which produces the energy for the blooming process Plants have adapted to the changing light conditions of the day and night cycle Daytime blooming allows the plant to attract pollinators, such as bees, with its brightly colored petalsIn conclusion, plants bloom only during the day because they need sunlight for photosynthesis, have adapted to the day and night cycle, and need pollinators to be attracted to their brightly colored petals.

How is water vapour responsible for global warming?

Water in the air doesn't heat the air up. Water in the air moderates temperatures. It tends to make daytime temperatures cooler and nighttime temperatures warmer than they would be in drier air.

Which biome has little rainfall and high daytime temperatures?

Deserts get little rainfall and some of them are quite hot - but not all. There are cold deserts also.