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Trash is effecting animals on Earth by:

new (unnatural) food they eat in garbage

causing new diseases in an area where trash is left

causing some animals to choke because they try to eat it

taking up space that the animals once called home

damaging the natural balance of that ecosystem

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14y ago
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12y ago

Animals are affected by garbage when they eat it. Our chemicals and our waste can be highly toxic to animals. You should keep your trash cans secure and keep animals from eating out of them.

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14y ago

the animals could get caught up in the trash and choke, suffocate etc, or they may try to eat the trash.

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12y ago

all the animals and fish and sea turtles are affected by the ocean trash

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13y ago

Many turtles and seabirds

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14y ago

All birds

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4y ago

I know right it so sad like I'm not crying but they get killed

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Q: What birds are affected by plastic waste?
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What animals are affected by paper waste?

Birds -- crows, seagulls! They'll confuse it with food a lot, but they'll usually spit it out. On the bright side, it makes a nice nest.

Why does the disposal of most of your plastic waste cause problems?

because most of our plastic waste is non biodegradable

What can you do with plastic waste?

recycle it

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What do birds drop?

Birds will either drop whatever they are carrying or their body waste.

Why do you need to identify waste plastic?

To recycle it

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What effect does plastic have on birds?

It is the plastic that is used to hold soda or beer cans together. It has about six rings. Birds put their heads through those holes and get the plastic stuck around their necks.

Can dry land animals digest plastic?

No! There is nothing that can digest plastic. No animals of any kind, no birds, no fish, nothing. Plastic is one of the killers of birds and marine life, like turtles, which eat floating plastic bags because they look like jellyfish. Sea birds eat bits of plastic till their bellies are full, and then they die.

What kind of information can be found at the website Plastic Common Waste and Materials?

The website Plastic Common Waste and Materials likely provides information about different types of plastic waste and materials, including their properties, uses, and potential environmental impacts. It might also provide guidance on recycling and proper disposal methods for plastic waste. Additionally, the website may offer resources and tips for reducing plastic consumption and promoting sustainability.

What organism is affected the most by the accumulation of waste?
