

What birds eat larvae?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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Q: What birds eat larvae?
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Yes, they do have predators. They are birds, bats, and spiders. Some birds and insects eat the larvae.

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Many reptiles and birds, noteably storks and herons and such. Insects will occasionally have a go at them as well, especially the larvae of dragonflies will hunt tadpoles and salamander larvae.

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The main foods that bluebirds like to eat are insects such as crickets and grasshoppers and often insect larvae.

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The larvae of leptosperid beetles, and certain birds such as the rukoko, eat manuka seeds.

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Stilts are a family of birds called Recurviostridae. All species feed on fish, shrimp, larvae, worms, tadpoles, and molusks.

Does a honeyguidebird and a badger have a relationship of mutualismparasitismorcommensalism?

Honeyguides birds and honey badgers have a relationship of mutalism. They both benefit from the relationship. Honeyguide birds show the Badgers where the beehives are. The Badgers break them open to eat the honey and bee larvae, and they leave scraps which the birds can eat.

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Possibly. Although Kiwi primarily eat earthworms, insect larvae and other invertebrates, they also eat seeds, fungi and fruit.

What bird will eat a bumble bee?

Badgers are the biggest threat to bumble bees, digging up their nests for the larvae. They are also prey to many birds, as well as larger insects. Skunks will also eat bumble bees.

What does dragonfly larvae eat?

Like adult dragonflies, dragonfly larvae also eat other insects. Since they are mostly aquatic, they can also get big enough to eat tadpoles and small fish.

Are fish eggs eaten by dragon fly larvae?

Fish eggs are not eaten by dragonfly larvae. Dragonfly larvae eat small fish, very small fish and tadpoles. They do not eat fish larvae. A lot of fish eat the larvae out of there own nests.

What do damselfly larvae eat?

Damselfly larvae eat worms and small Gambuzia (small fish).