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pituitary adenoma affecting the optic chiasm.

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Q: What blindness causing disease originates not in the eye but the brain?
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Can dehydration cause blindness?

Yes it can cause permanent blindness and immflamation of the brain.

What does the Parkinson's disease attack?

The disease attacks the neurons in the brain that controls movement. The symptoms come on slowly over years causing tremors in the limbs and involuntary movements.

Are color blindness and blindness the same thing?

No - colour-blindness is the inability of the brain to interpret correctly colours that the eyes see, or maybe the eyes have a defect in their structure that sends the wrong signals to the brain. Blindness (total?) is when the eyes are unable to send visual signals to the brain at all. Maybe the optic nerve is damaged, or the eyes themselves are damaged - there are various medical reasons for the cause of blindness.

Where in the body does anxiety occur?

Anxiety originates in the brain.

What is an astrocytoma?

An astrocytoma is a cancer of the brain which originates in astrocytes.

What disease caused girls to pass out in the presence of the Fab Four?

Not a disease, probably caused by hysteria and excessive screaming causing lowered levels of oxygen to brain, thus fainting. Excessive screaming can also cause hyperventilation, causing the alkalinity of the blood to increase, also causing fainting.

What can occur when CSF accumulates abnormally?

It may accumulate abnormally in some disease processes, causing pressure on and damage to brain structures.


MS normally begins when younger, at an average age of 35 and almost always before 50, while Parkinson's Disease begins in the late years at an average age of 65 and the likelihood increases as one gets older. MS is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the covering of the nerves causing nerves not to transmit and receive signals to/from the muscles required for them to function. Parkinson's originates in the brain caused by the loss of dopamine neurons. This causes signals to fail between different parts of the brain that control movement.

What does canavan disease do in the body?

it eats away at the myelin in the brain causing the head to enlarge and having the person never being able to walk, talk, sit etc. It's a sad disease.

What primary tissue is found in the brain?

You have nervous tissue mainly found in your brain. This tissue originates from ectoderm.

What is a brain tumor named for?

The name of a brain tumor describes where it originates, how it grows, and what kind of cells it contains

Where did mad cow disease come from?

Researchers are not completely sure how cows get mad cow disease, but they believe it comes from certain food that was given to cows. Some of this food contains the remains of dead cows that had the infection causing the cows that are eating it to get the infection. Mad cow disease affects the cows brain causing them to go "mad."