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Q: What block of elements are the halogens in?
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What block of elements do the halogens belong to?

Halogens belong to the nonmetals. It is in the middle top block of the periodic table. The other nonmetals are the noble gasses.

What block of elements do halogens belong to?

Halogens belong to the nonmetals. It is in the middle top block of the Periodic Table. The other nonmetals are the noble gasses.

Which group of p block elements react to form halides?

halogens react to form halides

Which block of elements do halogens belong to?

7A, or the older 17 block. Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. -------------- You might also be asking what larger classification the halogens belong to: nonmetals. Please see the link.

What group of elements does the p block on the periodic table contain?

halogens & noble gases

What p block has 7 valence electrons?

The group 17 of p block has 7 valent electrons. These elements are called halogens.

What is another name for the group 17 elements?

Another name for Group 17 (VIIA) Elements is Halogens.

What types of elements make up the p block?

semiconductors, other nonmetals, halogens, other metals, noble gases

What elements are in the p block?

The elements of the p block in the periodic table are B,C,N,O,F,Ne,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,Ar,Ga,Ge,As,Se,Br,Kr,In,Sn,Sb,Te,I,Xe,Tl,Pb,Bi,Po,At,Rn other elements come under the inner transition elements which are generally placed below the periodic table.

Elements in Group 17 are all called?

Halogens Apex ;)

What groups of elements does the p block contain?

The p-block contains halogens and noble gases.

Did halogens frequently occur in nature as free elements?

Yes, the halogens did occur in nature as free elements.