

What blood group can accept blood from anyone?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What blood group can accept blood from anyone?
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Whose blood can you accept?

You can, as far as I know, only accept blood of anyone with the same blood type.

Which blood group should be of a donor to a patient who is 'O' negative?

A person who is O- can only accept blood from another O- person, but they are the universal donor, and can give their blood to anyone.

Which blood group can accept the blood of any group?

which blood group can be donate to all other groups? "O" positive blood group. it's called universal donor.

Which blood group can accept all groups blood?

Rh O negative is the universal donor, and can be given to anyone regardless of their bloodtype.

Is ab plus blood group take blood from another blood group?

Yes, theoretically a person with AB+ blood group can accept blood of any other group. But practically it is not practiced.

AB positive blood group and what should be your life partner's blood group?

Anyone. AB can receive from anyone and positive can receive from positive and negative.

Can group b BLOOD given to b group patient who has received blood group o?

Yes, but only if the patient has B, or AB blood. Anyone can receive o blood.

Can o positive blood group boy marry b positive blood group girl?

You can marry anyone, no matter the bloodtype.

Can someone who is of AB positive blood type receive other types of blood?

Only AB negative. If it's anything else, it won't work because the immune system targets unknown cells. If it only knows AS neg., then it will attack A or B. Whereas Blood type O is the "universal donor", it can be donated to anyone or anyone with it can receive blood from anyone. I forget why although i learned it in bio earlier this year

Can a person of ab-ve blood group accept o-ve blood?

No. Type O blood has anti-A and anti-B antibodies.

People of which blood group can safely donate blood to any other blood groups?

Blood group O This blood type has neither 'A' or 'B' antigens in it and can be given safely to anyone (even if, for example, if they are A positive).

Is ab negative blood person is good for marriage?

AB negative blood group is fine for marriage but the person with this blood group can accept the blood from all donors with negative Rh factor. example- only from AB-, O-,A-,B-