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Q: What boats use to locate objects underwater?
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What is something boats use to locate objects underwater?

The modern tools includes several forms of sonar(detection by sound reflection).

What boats use to locate objects under water?


What do modern fishing boats use to locate fish?

They use a Sonar system.

What is echoloction?

an instrument that use echolocation to locate objects

What does sound technology use to locate objects?


How does sonar use echoes to locate objects?

Sonar uses echoes to locate objects by bouncing sound waves off them and detecting the echoes.

What do dolphins use to locate objects?

Something called echo-location

How do dolphins track objects underwater?

They use echolocation. They have excellent hearing and eyesight as well.

How do submarines target underwater objects?

They use Sonar to send sound waves to the bottom of the oceans.

Why do people use echolocation to locate objects?

it seems humans use echolocation to find certain specific things they really need or objects and mainly sound

What does SONAR mean and what is this method use for?

SOund Navigation And Ranging. Its used mainly to detect underwater objects.

What do Scientsts use sonar for?

Scientsts use sonar to map the depth of water in sea and river etc..,they also use sonar to locate and identify object underwater