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Bigfoot or Sasquatch etc. uses thick fur ,razor sharp teeth ,rough pads on its paws/feet ,and appossable thumbs for its structural adaptations.If u think of more post.

-random 5th grader-

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Q: What body adaptations does bigfoot use?
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What happens to a bigfoot's body when it dies?

Assuming there is a bigfoot it would decompose the same as any other body.

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Use the environment for their body tempereture

Do you believe in Bigfoot and why?

NO I DO NOT ALL THe ppl. and all the hunters and there has not been a body found yet

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Who believes in big foot?

Bigfoot not real in the 600 yrs that America has existed no Americans has killed a bigfoot before America the Indians lived here and in 400yrs no Indians have ever killed a bigfoot no has any person ever found a bigfoot that died from natural causes so1000yrs no one has touched, killed, or seen a bigfoot dead body ever but yet it lives in 10 different states in USA

What is Bigfoot called in China?

It is called Dà jiǎo, 大脚, but I am pretty sure there is no Bigfoot in China. Or they could just use the original name, Bigfoot. So far research only has Bigfoot tracked in the United States and in Canada, or mainly the Pacific Northwest of North America.

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When did they first see Bigfoot?

They never did. Bigfoot is a phony. They never did. Bigfoot is a phony.

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Sponges are filter feeders and use choanocytes to create a current for food particles to pass through its body.

Does bigfoot have a birthday?

No. There is no such thing as Bigfoot.

Who was captured by Bigfoot?

Bigfoot is not real!

Can you use adaptations in a sentence?

animals go through adaptations to survive in the habitat