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there are many objects, these are all of the bodies I know of; there are dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets.

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Q: What body in space orbits a star and is smaller than a planet?
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Can a moon be bigger than the planet it orbits?

No. The moon is always the smaller body in such a system. The smaller object will always be the one doing the orbiting.

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A natural celestial body that orbits a planet is called a satellite. Moons are satellites of planets. The Earth has one moon, but other planets like Jupiter and Uranus have many moons or satellites.

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A planet is a large body of rock or gas that orbits a star, such as the sun.

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By definition, a planet is a celestial body that orbits a star (the sun) directly. A satellite is an object in space that orbits a planet. Mercury, which is comparable in size to our Moon, orbits the sun. Therefore, Mercury is a planet. Our Moon is a satellite of Earth. If it had its own path around the sun, we wouldn't have a moon and it would be considered a planet.

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