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Q: What body of water is to the northeast of of central America?
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What body of water is northeast of central America?

The Gulf of Mexico

What body of water is to northeast of Central America?

The Gulf of Mexico

What is the inland largest body of water in central America?

Lake Nicaragua is the largest inland body of water in Central America.

What is the largest inland body water in central America?

Lake Nicaragua is the largest inland body of water in Central America.

What Central American country contains the largest body of fresh water in Central America?

Nicaragua is the Central American country that contains the largest body of fresh water in Central America.

What is the largest inland water in Central America?

Lake Nicaragua is the largest inland body of water in Central America.

What body of water is to the east of Central America?

It is the Caribbean.

What body of water is to the north of Central America?

It is the Caribbean.

What body of water is to the south of Central America?

The south Pacific

What body of water is the north east of central America?

It is the Caribbean.

What body of water is the southwest of central America?

The Pacific Ocean.

What body of water is in the east of Central America?

atlantic ocean