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The skin is the organ of the body that helps people keep a steady temperature. When it is cold the fur on the body will help keep the body warm.

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14y ago

The hypothalmus of the brain.

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Q: What body organ helps to keep you at a steady temperature?
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The skin, following instruction from the brain

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"Homeotherms" maintain a steady body temperature and are warm-blooded, as opposed to "Poikilotherms" which are cold-blooded.An example of a homeotherm is a Lion, an example of a poikilotherm is a Crocodile.

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Your brain.

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The hypothalamus, located in the brain, is the primary organ that regulates body temperature. It acts as the body's thermostat, receiving signals from the body and adjusting mechanisms such as sweating or shivering to maintain a stable internal temperature.

Does the pancreas cause goose bumps?

No, it regulates insulin in your body. Your skin, an organ not a muscle, helps control temperature in the body and goose bumps is just one way of warming up.

What organ helps with digestion and processes sugar in the body?

The Pancreas helps with digestion and processed sugar in the body.

Organ helps with digestion and processes sugar in the body?

The Pancreas helps with digestion and processed sugar in the body.