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Koalas climb into Eucalyptus trees and will only eat their leaves.

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Q: What body part of koala bear are they using in getting their food?
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What body parts are used for both food getting and protection?

All body parts are used for survival in a Koala or anything else

What is the body parts of bear use in getting food?

Its balls

What animal breath smells like eucalyptus?

The animal that has a body and breath that smell like eucalyptus is the koala bear. This is because the koala's entire diet consists only of eucalyptus leaves. The average koala will eat around 2 1/2 pounds of leaves per day.

Koala body cover?

A koala is covered with short hairs (fur).

What are the by-products of a koala?

The only by-products of a koala are its waste, and its decomposing body after it dies.

How far must visitors stay from bears?

A respectful distance. This is different from bear to bear, if you are going to be in bear country, try to learn about bears and bear body language. A bear will tell you when you are getting to close. You just have to listen...

What is a koala's body temperature?

36.6 degrees Celsius

What is the average body temperature of a Koala?

The koala's average body temperature is about 97.9 degrees F. That is significantly lower than many mammals of its size and weight.

How many chromosomes does a koala have?

8becausea koala has 8 chromosomes in its sperm cell therefore 8 chromosomes in a koala egg.

Sentence using extremity?

She was extremely happy about getting an A+!

Is a koala warm or cold blooded?

A koala is warmblooded. It is a mammal, and all mammals are warmblooded. They do not depend on the environment around them for warmth. Instead, their body works to keep its body at an optimal temperature and keep a balance known as homeostasis.

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tell the body part using for getig food