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Q: What body structure enables the red panda to get energy?
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What is a pandas body structures?

THe panda's structure is long hand and sharp teeth and hairay body

What is the skeletal system for a panda bear?

panda's skeletal system is the bones it contians. its front two legs bones has the structure of our hand and the hind leg bones has the structure of haman legs.

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They provide energy for the body and energy and structure for plants.

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Chemical energy in you body is converted, in you muscles, to mechanical energy which enables you to flip or press the switch.

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Mitochondria is a structure used to provide energy for the various functions of the human body, so it is a structure.

Which organ or structure in bony fish enables them to remain at a certain water depth without expending energy?

The many fins around their body. They also change their own buoyancy by sucking in air and pushing air out.

Muscle tissue enables an animal to what?

Body movement and accounts for much of the energy consuming cellular work in an active animal.

What does not provide energy for the body?

That would be Nucleic Acids, if I'm correct. These make up DNA and RNA structure - they don't provide energy to the body.

Can a Red Panda regenerate body parts?

A Red panda cannot regenerate any body parts. There is no known panda in the world that can regenerate any body parts.

What are fats and protein?

Fats or lipids are molecules that provide energy and insulating body. Carbohydrates are mainly energy stores of our body. proteins have role in our structure and function of the cells.

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what other body parts do panda's have than claws and paws what other body parts do panda's have than claws and paws