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The posterior body surface This is also referred to as the dorsal surface.

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The calves and the shoulder (scapulae) blades are considered to be dorsal.

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Q: What body surface are calves and shoulder blades?
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In the anatomical position the face and palms are on the what?

Anterior body surface, the buttocks and shoulder blades are on the Posterior body surface.

Which bone in your body is known as the clavicle?

Shoulder blades.

How many scapulae do you have in your body?

Your body has two scapulae. These are the shoulder blades.

Where would you find the scalpa in the body?

You have two of them. They are the shoulder blades.

What part of the body is located behind your lungs?

Thoracic (chest) spine, ribs, shoulder blades and their muscles.

Why do you have sholder blades?

shoulder blades, or the scapulae act as a connection between the arms and axial skeleton. along with the clavicle, the scapulae form the pectoral girdle. with out them, your arms would not be attached to the rest of ur body.

What are the withers?

The withers are a ridge between the shoulder blades of an animal, It is the tallest point of the body in horses and dogs. Cattle are measured to the top of the hip

What is the information about shoulder blades being for wings?

Shoulder blades in humans are not adapted for flight and do not serve the purpose of wings. They are bones that provide attachment points for muscles and support our upper body movement. The idea of shoulder blades being for wings likely stems from artistic or mythological representations rather than biological functionality.

What is the function of the bone in the skeletal system?

Bones provide support and structure for the body, protect vital organs, and give muscles a lever to move. Also for legs to move they go in little sockets that the balls of your legs go into and make it stay in for many years. Same for arms there are little blades called your shoulder blades and to keep the shoulder blades up there are, ribs and your collarbone.

Where is the calves found in the body?

The calves are the muscles behind your shin

What are plainer calves?

Plainer calves are apparently calves of average body condition. Please see related question.

Why are calves thighs biceps triceps important for playing football?

the bicept and tricepts help the upper body strength and if your a line backer you need big delts (wich are shoulder muscles to) and the thigh and calve are for speed and lower body strength