

What bomb was invented after the a-bomb?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The Hydrogen Bomb .

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Q: What bomb was invented after the a-bomb?
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Who did the atomic bomb?

China made the Atomic Bomb, no china did not make the atomic bomb. the united states made the abomb and it was called the mannhattan project

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Who invented the nuclear bomb where was he from?

Leo Szilard invented the fission bomb. Edward Teller invented the fusion bomb. Both were from Hungary.

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The first bomb was invented in 1281 A.D.

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How much heat is given off an atomic bomb ie 1kt?

Follow the link to the site below. It is the A-Bomb WWW museum. According to the data on this site the heat beneath the explosion center rose to approximately 7,000 degree F. For more info on the A-bomb go to the webpage listed below

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The atomic bomb that destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan.

What Manhattan Project scientist is known as the 'Father of the H-Bomb'?

Edward Teller was known as the "Father of the H-bomb". The H-Bomb was invented after the war. The A-Bomb (or Atomic Bomb) was invented during WW2 by Oppenheimer.

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Never! Leo Szilard invented the atomic bomb in 1933.

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None. The fission bomb was invented in 1933 by the physicist Leo Szilard. The staged fusion bomb was invented in 1949 by the mathematician Stan Ulam and the physicist Edward Teller.

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The first time bomb was invented at Yale University. It was invented by David Bushnell and used in the first submarine used in combat.

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