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There are two main types of strong bonds in chemistry. The type of bond that you're referring to is called an ionic bond. This is as opposed to covalent bonds, which form due to the sharing of electrons between atoms.

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An ionic bond is formed when one atom gives up electrons (forming a positively charged ion) and another atom accepts those electrons (forming a negatively charged ion). Through the electrostatic attraction between the positively and negatively charged ions, they are held together in a bond.

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Q: What bond has one atom that gives electrons and one that takes electrons?
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What bond gives or takes all electrons?

An ionic bond.

What happens when one or more valence electrons are transferred from one atom to another?

When valence electrons are transferred from one atom to another, they form ions. The atom losing electrons becomes a positively charged ion (cation), while the atom gaining electrons becomes a negatively charged ion (anion). This transfer of electrons results in the formation of an ionic bond between the two ions.

What term is used to describe a bond formed when one atom gains electrons while the other atom loses electrons?

A type of bond in which one atom gains electrons and one atom loses electrons is an ionic bond.

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ionic bond

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Ionic bond.


A bond in which neither atom takes more than its share of electrons

Is electrons share unequally in ionic bond?

In an ionic bond, electrons are not shared but instead transferred from one atom to another. One atom loses electrons to become positively charged (cation), while the other gains electrons to become negatively charged (anion). This transfer leads to the formation of an electrostatic attraction between the two ions, resulting in the ionic bond.

What kind of chemical bond will be formed between atom a and atom b if atom a loses electrons and atom b gains these electrons?

An ionic bond will form between atom a and atom b if atom a loses electrons and atom b gains these electrons. Atom a becomes a positively charged ion (cation) and atom b becomes a negatively charged ion (anion), resulting in an electrostatic attraction between the two oppositely charged ions.

Which atom has the weakest attraction for the electrons ina bond with an H atom?

Helium has the weakest attraction for electrons in a bond with a hydrogen atom because it has only two electrons and a full valence shell, making it stable and less likely to attract additional electrons.

What is formed when a atom gives up a electron?

When an atom gives up one or more electrons to another atom, an ionic bond is formed. Atoms are the basic unit of a chemical element.

What is the name of the bond that takes place when the atom's electrons give or gain electrons?

Ionic bonding- the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. This results in ions, as the atoms which gain/lose electrons now have a charge.

What kind of bound forms when an atom gains or losses electrons?

When an atom gains or loses electrons and therefore becomes an ion, it takes on either a positive or negative charge (positive if it lost electrons, negative if it gained electrons) and can bond to ions of the opposite charge in an ionic bond.