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seeing how it has a CRYSTAL STRUCTURE I would say ionic bond.

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How tall is Crystal Bond?

Crystal Bond is 168 cm.

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It is called an ionic bond. NaCl existas a giant ionic structure in a crystal lattice.

How does ionic bonding help explain the structure called crystal lattice?

An ionic bond can be defined as a type of chemical bond formed through an electrostatic attraction between two oppositely charged ions. Crystal structure can be defined as a unique arrangement of atoms and molecules in crystalline liquid or solids,

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The difference between atomic structures and crystal structures is that in atomic structures, atom patterns are mismatched, random, and disordered unlike crystal structures in which atoms are positioned in orderly and repeated patterns.For example to crystalline structure; BCC FCC and HCP

In a silicon crystal. How many covalent bond does the single atom form?

Four. they are arranged tetrahedrally. The structure is similar to diamond.

Why do solid occur in the form of a crystal?

In solids atoms having strong ionic or covalent bond metallic bond are arranged in three dimension space such that they have maximum attraction and mnimum repulsion because of opposite and same polirity of electrons and proton this arrangement of atoms forms a lattice like structure or crystal structure

What is a network bond?

So a network covalent bond or macromolecular bond is basically a bunch of covalently bonded atoms. Imagine a diamond structure or crystal structure that keeps expanding but a model only shows a building block of the substance. So like a brick wall to a brick.

What type of bond will form between Ca S?

Ionic bond. Calcium is a metal, sulfur is a non metal. The crystal structure is the same as sodium chloride with 6 coordinate Ca and 6 coordinate S. This is a good indicator of the ionic nature of the bond.

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Is crystal light an ionic bond?

yes it is

Does the crystalline structure affects the transparency of a material?

The type of crystal structure doesn't affect the transparency. For example a body centered cubic structure is no more and no less transparent than a hexagonal close packed structure. However if the block of substance is a mess of many crystal structures stuck together in no coherent order then yes it does affect the transparency.Transparency is more dependent on the chemical bonds and the particular light that they absorb. These bond energies are unaffected (ok maybe slightly affected) by the particular crystal structure they find themselves in.Crystal structure however does have a big influence on the index of refraction of light. You can have left refraction, right refration or even both at the same time depending on the crystal structure.