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Q: What bond would 2 sulfur atoms require to form a molecule?
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What type of bond would two sulfur atoms require to form a molecule?

double covalent bond

Why is sulphur written as S in chemical equations and not S8?

If you wrote S8, people would think there were 8 sulfur atoms in the molecule. S is the symbol for the element sulfur, S8 is the symbol of an allotropic form.

If you had a mole of sulfur atoms how many sulfur atomes would you have?

you would have 6.022 x 10^23 atoms (Avogadro's number)

How many atoms are there in 1.14mol SO3?

In each sulfur trioxide molecule there is one sulfur atom and three oxygen atoms, giving a total of four atoms. In 1.14 moles of sulfur trioxide, there would be 1.14 x 6.02 x 10^23 = 6.87 x 10^23 molecules. Accordingly, there would be 4 x 6.87 x 10^23 = 2.75 x 10^24 atoms in total.

How many atoms does sodium sulfide have?

Sodium Sulfate is Na2SO4 and so there are 7 atoms in the molecule.

A covalent compound made of one sulfur and two oxygen atoms would be named?

Sulfur dioxide.

A group of two or more atoms linked together in a chemical bond?

A group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds would be termed a molecule.

How many sulfur atoms are in 0.45 mol?

0.45 mol BaSO4 have 2,698.10e23 sulfur atoms.

What would you call a convalent compound made of one sulfur and two oxygen atoms?

Sulfur Dioxide

Would sulfur hexafluoride be classified as an ionic compound?

Sulfur hexafluoride has covalent bonds.

If a mixture of iron filings and sulfur will make the iron and sulfur atoms combined checically what would that be?

Iron sulfide

How many atoms will the scientist need to make a billion molecules of salt?

A single molecule of table salt contains two atoms: sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). So a billion molecules of salt would require two billion atoms.