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P-S , H-F, P-Cl

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A polar bond occurs when there is an unequal sharing of electrons between two atoms due to differences in electronegativity. In the given examples:

  1. F-F and Cl-Cl bonds are nonpolar because they have identical atoms sharing electrons.
  2. H-F and H-Cl bonds are polar due to the difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and fluorine/chlorine.
  3. P-S bond may be polar or nonpolar depending on the electronegativity of phosphorus and sulfur.
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Q: What bonds is a polar bond there may be more than one f-f h-h p-s h-f cl-cl p-cl?
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In non-polar covalent bonds, valence electrons are shared equally between the atoms involved, leading to a symmetrical electron distribution. In contrast, in polar covalent bonds, valence electrons are shared unequally, causing a partial separation of positive and negative charges within the molecule.

What element is a polar covalent bond?

The element that typically forms a polar covalent bond is oxygen. This is because oxygen has a strong electronegativity, causing it to attract electrons more strongly than other elements, resulting in an uneven sharing of electrons in covalent bonds with less electronegative elements.

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In a polar covalent bond, the electrons are pulled more toward certain elements, giving them a partial charge. In a non polar bond, the electrons are evenly or close to evenly shared.

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Covalent bonds have ionic "character" when they are polar. The more polar, (greater the electronegativity difference) the more ionic character.

What is a bond between polar covalent molecules called?

A bond between polar covalent molecules is called a hydrogen bond. It is a weak type of bond that forms between a partially positive hydrogen atom and a partially negative atom (such as oxygen or nitrogen) in another molecule.

Why is water more cohesive than alcohol?

Water is more polar than alcohol is. The molecule contains two strongly polar O-H bonds and no other bonds. A molecule of alcohol contains one highly polar O-H bond, one somewhat less polar C-O bond, and a nonpolar hydrocarbon segment.

What type of bond do H2O contain?

The bonds between H-O atoms are polar bonds (polar-covalent) angled in about 105o. But the intermolecular attraction between two or more molecules of water result in weaker hydrogen bonds.

What is non polar bonds?

Nonpolar covalent bonds: Equal sharing of the bond electrons, because electronegativities of the two atoms are equal. Polar Covalent Bond: A bond where the electron pair is displaced toward the more electronegative atom. This more electronegative atom obtains a partial-negative charge while the less electronegative atom has a partial-positive charge

Does ammonia have polar or nonpolar bonds?

Ammonia (NH3) contains polar covalent bonds due to the difference in electronegativity between nitrogen and hydrogen atoms. The lone pair on the nitrogen atom creates a slight negative charge, while the hydrogen atoms have a slight positive charge, resulting in a polar molecule overall.

What bond does carbohydrates have?

Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms bonded together through covalent bonds. The most common type of bond found in carbohydrates is a glycosidic bond, which links together individual sugar molecules to form larger carbohydrates like starch or cellulose. These bonds provide the energy storage and structural support necessary for various biological processes.

What covalent bonds are most polar?

The most polar covalent bonds are those between elements with a large difference in electronegativity. For example, bonds between hydrogen and fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen are highly polar due to the significant difference in electronegativity between the atoms involved.