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Q: What bone is condyles?
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What is the carpal bone the articulates with the tibia and fibula?

medial condyles

The occipital condyles lay on which bone?

The occipital condyles "lay on", or articulate with, the lateral masses of the first cervical vertebra, also known as atlas.

Which cranial bone houses the condyles that articulate with first cervical vertebra?

The occipital condyles of the occipital bones articulate with the first cervical vertebra.

Is the condyle a depression or projection?

projection. The bumps of bone around your knees and elbows are almost all called condyles.

What is subchondral?

Related to bone condyles that have swelling beneath the surface. The condyles are the rounded lumpy bits at the end of long thin bones: finger bones (phalanges) or thigh (femur). Subchondral odema occurs commonly when thes bones are forced together sometimes with repeated running on hard surfaces sub femoral or tibial chondral/plataeu or when staving your finger during basket ball straight finger compression. Can take a long time to settle but can settle to no symptoms.

Its oval-shaped protrusions articulate with the atlas?

The condyles of the occipital bone articulate with the atlas.

What articulates with the occiptal condyles?

The atlas articulates with the occiptal condyles.

Are condyles only found int the axial skeleton?

Condyle is a rounded prominence at the end of a bone, most often used for articulation with another bone. Condyles can be found in numorous places in the body example: Knuckles TMJ ( Temporomandibular Joint/ aka Jaw) Vertebral Column In short, they can be found in both the axial and appendicular skeleton.

How do you differentiate medial and lateral condyle of femur bone without marker?

If you are viewing the entire bone, you can differentiate the medial and lateral condyles by noting that the medial condyle is on the side with the head of the femur, and the lateral is on the side with the greater trochanter. If you have only the distal end of the femur available, then you can differentiate the condyles by noting that the medial condyle is longer and the lateral condyle is wider.

What is the only bone that articulates with the tibia and fibula?

The femur articulates with the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia. The femur is the bone commonly known as the thigh bone.

What is the rounded end of bone?

I think the answer you're looking for is the head.Or it could be the condyles.

Where do condyles found in the human body?

Condyles refer to bulges on the ends of bones that usually articulate with other bones.