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its the sternum

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Zora Daniel

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Q: What bone is located in middle of the chest along the nipple line?
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Where are our lungs located in the human body?

Your respiratory system is mainly your lungs which are located in your chest.

In cardiac compression you should press where?

When performing chest compressions on a patient suspected of cardiac arrest, these should be over the sternum, in the centre of the chest roughly between the two nipples, pushing to a depth of 4cm.

Where is the coller bone in your body?

The collarbone, also known as the clavicle, is located between the shoulder blade (scapula) and the sternum (breastbone). It runs horizontally across the front of the chest.

What gland is located beneath the sternum and between the lungs?

"The thymus gland lies just beneath the upper part of the breastbone in the middle of the chest.

Will you find the sternum in the knee?

The sternum is a flat, dagger shaped bone located in the middle of the chest. Along with the ribs, the sternum forms the rib cage that protects the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels from damage.The sternum is composed of three parts:The manubrim, also called the "handle", is located at the top of the sternum and moves slightly. It is connected to the first two ribs.The body, also called the "blade" or the "gladiolus", is located in the middle of the sternum and connects the third to seventh ribs directly and the eighth through tenth ribs indirectly.The xiphoid process, also called the "tip", is located on the bottom of the sternum. It is often cartilaginous (cartilage), but does become bony in later years.These three segments of bone are usually fused in adults.The sternum serves an important function in the body. The ribs are connected to it by the coastal cartilage. Without the sternum, there would be a hole in the bone structure in the middle of your chest, right above your heart and lungs. The sternum protects this vital area and completes the circle of the rib cage.

Related questions

What bone is located in the middle of the chest along the nipple line?

its the sternum

What is the pimple on your chest?

Your nipple

What is located in the middle of your chest?

your chest is a chest, its nothing more or less than a chest. chests eat chests because they are chests. a chest is a chest nothing more or less than a chest.

Where is your chest?

Below the neck, above the middle of your belly. Heart is located to the left of your chest.

Where can you hear the right middle lobe most efffectively on the anterior chest?

The right middle lobe is heard best in the right axilla while standing behind the patient. The anterior chest would find the right middle lobe between the sternum and the nipple.

Where is Humanism?

Imagine a line running down the centre of your chest. The heart is located roughly between that line and the left nipple.

Where is human heart?

Imagine a line running down the centre of your chest. The heart is located roughly between that line and the left nipple.

Where to place hands when comopressing an infant's chest during CPR?

you should put your hands on the center of their chest.In the middle of their chest plate. Pretty much in line with their armpits.

In cardiac compression you should press where?

When performing chest compressions on a patient suspected of cardiac arrest, these should be over the sternum, in the centre of the chest roughly between the two nipples, pushing to a depth of 4cm.

Does nipple hair count as chest hair?


How do you locate the site for chest compressions?

Locate the middle of the sternum. This is where your hand location should be for an adult or child. For an infant, it will be on the sternum, 1 finger below the nipple line.

Where are our lungs located in the human body?

Your respiratory system is mainly your lungs which are located in your chest.