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The nose is covered anteriorly by the two bilateral nasal bones,which form the alar of the nose.Inferiorly it is fomed by the bones of the hard palate and medially by the nasal septum.

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Q: What bones surround the opening of the nose?
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What are the names of the bones that surround the opening of the nose?

The nose itself is made up of mostly cartilage. The facial bones of the skull that surround and help construct the base of the nose consist of the maxilla, the vomer bone, the ethmoid, and the nasal bone. The nostrils are composed of branched "bones" or cartilages called turbinates. A turbinate is a long, narrow curled bone shelf. The function of the turbinates is to warm the air coming in and remove the moisture going out.

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What opening in the nose?

That is the nostrils.

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What bones make up the nose bones?

The bridge of the nose is called the nasal bone. It is constructed out of two different bones that are oblong shaped and can be larger in different people.

How many bones are in a human nose?

I was taught that the nose was only made of cartilage so as far as I know-- none

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opening of the nose

What is one of the two opening called in your nose?

A single opening of your nose is known as a nostril, nostrils is the plural form. Your nostrils are two channels through the nose, separated by the septum.

What are the eight bones that surround the brain?

None. The cranium is the upper part of the skull (the other part being the mandible, the jawbone) and there are no bones around it.

What bones surrounds the clavicle?

The clavicle is the shoulder blade, No bones surround it it floats above the rib cage on the back of the body.

The cranium is a set of bones that surrounds what?

The cranium is a set of bones which surround the brain. The cranium is sometimes referred to as the skull in humans.