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Ethmoid, Frontal, Occipital, Parietal, Temporal (2), Palantine, Zygomatic, Maxillary, Vomer

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Q: What bones touch the sphenoid bone?
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What are 4 bones containing paranasal sinuses?

The maxillae contain the maxillary sinuses, the ethmoid and sphenoid contain the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, respectively. ****Maxilla is a facial bone, the three cranial bones that contain sinuses are ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal.

What is the ramus sphenoid?

it is the bone that you can touch behind the last molar and it is apart of the sphenoid bone better known as the ramus of the sphenoid.

What bones don't touch sphenoid?

ear bones

What is the keystone of the facial bones?

The maxillary bones form the upper jaw; together they are the keystone of the face.

What are the features of the sphenoid cranial bone?

Sphenoid Bone:(from Greek sphenoeides, meaning "wedgelike") wedge like bone, one of the eight Cranial Bones. There are fourteen Facial Bones...

Which eight bones are the cranial bones?

The exterior cranial bones are the two frontal bones (fused together in adulthood to constitute the forehead), the two parietal bones (the top of the head), the two temporal bones, and the occipital bone. The internal cranial bones are the ethmoid bone and the sphenoid bone. Part of the occipital bone is also included as an internal cranial bone.

What bones house the pituitary gland?

sphenoid bone

How many bones are in the cranium?

There are 8 cranial and 14 facial bones.The cranium is composed of a pair of parietal bones, a pair of temporal bones, one occipital bone, one frontal bone, one ethmoid bone, and one sphenoid bone. All these put together comprise the eight bones that compose the cranium.Eight cranial bones protect the brain: frontal, occipital, ethmoid, sphenoid and the two pairs of parietal and temporal bones.

What cranial bone articulates with all other cranial bones?

The Sphenoid (Sphenoidal Bone) this is why it is know as the keystone of the cranial floor *The sphenoid is not a facial bone, it is a cranial bone. There is no facial bone which 'articulates' with 'every other facial bone'. Articulation suggests jointed so sutures would make more sense & these sutures would be on all facial bones edges which knit them together

What part of bones are the greater and lesser wings?

sphenoid bone

Which bones form the viscerocranium?

The eye socket is formed from the frontal, sphenoid, palatine,ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla, and zygomatic bone. The "brain case" or cranium is made of the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bone.

Facial bone that contains a paranasal sinus?

frontalWell yes, basically, there are sinuses located within the bones of the face and skull. There are four types. Ethmoid, sphenoid, facial, and maxillary.the Frontal bone :)