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The book by Avi featuring Edgar Allan Poe as a character is "Never Mind!". It is a historical fiction novel that explores Poe's life and the mystery surrounding his death.

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What book by the author Avi has Edgar Allan Poe as a character?


Is it Edgar Allen Poe or Edgar Allan Poe?

It is Edgar Allan Poe.

What is the average cost for the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe in a set?

The book known as The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe contains all of Edgar Allan Poe's work in a single leatherbound book and costs $18 from the Barnes and Noble stores.

Is The Coded Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe a real book?

No, "The Coded Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe" is not a real book. While Poe did incorporate codes and ciphers in some of his works, there is no specific book by that title attributed to him.

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John Allan is Edgar Allan Poe's foster father.

Who is the book The Fall of the House of Usher by?

Edgar Allan Poe.

Edgar Allan Poe is the father of what sub genre of mystery?

Edgar Allan Poe is considered the father of the detective fiction genre. His famous detective character, C. Auguste Dupin, laid the groundwork for future mystery and detective stories.

What year did Edgar Allan Poe write the poem For Annie?

For Annie is from the book "Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe", 1849 It was written in 1849, the year Poe died.

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Edgar Allan Poe married to Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe in 1836

What is Edgar Allan Poe's first book?

"Tamerlane and Other Poems"

Who created the book The Tell-Tale Heart?

Edgar Allan Poe

Who wrote the book The Masque of the Red Death?

Edgar Allan Poe.