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The Grapes of Wrath (1939). It won the 1940 Pulitzer Prize and Steinbeck won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature.

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Q: What book did John Steinbeck write about the plight of Okies?
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Why did Steinbeck write about poor people?

John Steinbeck grew up during the Great Depression and was sympathetic to the plight of the poor and wrote about their many experiences during those trying times .

What city and state did the great depression affect?

All of them to some degree. Perhaps the name most often associated with that miserable era is Oklahoma. Many if not most of those termed "Okies" by John Steinbeck were from elsewhere but their plight was identical.

John steinbeck's novel about the plight of Dust Bowl families?

Grapes of Wrath

What 1952 novel did John Steinbeck write?

John Steinbeck wrote the novel "East of Eden" in 1952.

Who won a Pulitzer Prize for a book about the Okies during the drought of the century?

John Steinbeck wrote the 1940 Pulitzer Prize novel, The Grapes of Wrath, which details the plight of one family and the hardships of a generation forced to leave their farms in the Oklahoma dust bowl.

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What president did John Steinbeck help to write speeches?

John Steinbeck helped President Lyndon B. Johnson write speeches addressing civil rights and poverty.

What year did John Steinbeck write The Grapes of Wrath?

in 1939

Who write the novel-the pearl?

"The Pearl" was written by John Steinbeck.

What kind of characters did John Steinbeck write about in his books?


Why did John Steinbeck write about ordinary individuals and the migrant workers?

Is becaue john steinbeck cared about the due to there environmental circumstances.

Why did John Steinbeck write what he wrote?

he wrote because he loved writing