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Montag took a Bible along to Faber's house because he believed it contained valuable knowledge that society was missing. Faber was awed by it because books were banned and considered dangerous, so owning one symbolized rebellion and potential access to banned knowledge.

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Q: What book did montag take along to Fabers house and why was Faber so awed by it?
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When montag left fabers house which direction did he go?

Montag headed for the river.

What do Faber and montag talk about?

Faber and Montag discuss the suppression of knowledge, the importance of books, and the role of society in Fahrenheit 451. Faber encourages Montag to take action against the oppressive government and advocates for preserving literature. Their discussions lead Montag to question the status quo and ultimately rebel against the censorship in society.

Where did montag left Fabers house which direction did he go?

Toward the train tracks

Where did montag go after killing montag?

Im pretty sure to Faber's house, then to the railroad where he meets Granger.

In Fahrenheit 451 where did montag go after he killed beatty?

After killing Beatty, Montag flees and seeks refuge with a group of intellectuals and rebels who have memorized books in order to preserve their content. He joins them in their mission to pass on the knowledge contained in books to future generations.

What does montage tell Faber to do after he has left the house?

Montag tells Faber to leave town and head towards the river where he will meet up with a group of intellectuals who are dedicated to preserving and sharing books. Faber also advises Montag to stay hidden and avoid using his real identity.

Did montag kill captain beatty?

Yes, in Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451," the protagonist, Montag, kills Captain Beatty in self-defense after Beatty taunts him and tries to burn him with a flamethrower. This act symbolizes Montag's turning point in rejecting the oppressive society and embracing knowledge and critical thinking.

In the book Fahrenheit 451 how did montag finally get Faber to consider really helping him?

Montag got Faber to consider helping him by relating his personal struggles and his desire for a more meaningful existence. He appealed to Faber's compassion and intelligence, persuading him to take a stand against the oppressive society they lived in. Faber realized that he couldn't remain passive any longer and he agreed to assist Montag in their fight against censorship and conformity.

Where did montag go after killing beatty?

Im pretty sure to Faber's house, then to the railroad where he meets Granger.

What does montag do on the way to Faber's house and why?


Where did Montag go after fleeing Fabers house?

Montag fled to the countryside and joined a group of intellectuals who had also set off to preserve books by memorizing their contents to pass on to future generations. They were walking towards a rumored safe haven where books would be safe from destruction.

Where did Montag run and who did he meet there?

Montag ran to Faber's house, where he met Faber, a retired English professor who becomes an influential ally in his journey towards understanding books and fighting against censorship in Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451."